Time's Up

 what?? f0rm 1?? that's means I sh0uld be a juni0r again?? Oh mak goat! *pejam mata*

-HaiSENIOR SENIOR... Saya SOFEA, JUNIOR Senior.. Junior tahu Senior comel, dan junior thu Junior pun comel.. eh, silap.. senior comel lagi.. yela2, junior comel lagi..  junior comei secomei senior.. kita comei.. kita comei bersama selamanya... eh? -

 *SMKANI*.. what's that???..so, let's me introduce ab0ut this super duper sch0ol..

SMKANI is a short name of Sek. Men. Keb. Agama Nurul Ittifaq... I n0t sure how old this scho0l.... It was born at Kuala Besut, Besut, Terengganu.... It is the well-kn0wn scho0l in my t0wn... I'm pr0ud to be the one of Terengganu's student... *tetiba

Panjang tak mukadimah aku?? hoho... itu bukan story yg aq nk share, actl... that is very complicated st0ry... s0, let's begin here..

aku tak pernah terfikir.... yang aq akn stu skolah dngn budak2 hot.. aq xpercaya pada hari first aq dftr diri.. aq jumpa dia... aq mls nk crita sbenarnya.. ok lah.. assalamualaikum.. 
*Buka Buku Baru*

My Story Is Base On The True One

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Celoteh Anda Di Sini! :D