
awak2 sy skit.. awk xthu an??

awk2 sy skit... awk xksah an??

(fine~ msg dia smAlAm amt menggugat kesAbAran)

awak2!! awk ingt awk s0rg skit?? sy pun skit la!!
sy skit-

eye: when I see you with her

ear: when I heard you j0king with her

heart: when I felt you playb0y!

ayat2 kat atas tu hnya dc0py dri sorg blogger.. it's n0t me ok .. bila anem berblog-swimming.. anem terbaca entry ni.. h0h0.. mmg gini ek org kapel?? kejap panas kejap hujan kejap salji.. lalala whatever....

actl, xde kaitan pun cite kt atas ngn entry yg anem nk p0st ni...

UPSR IS AROUND THE CORNER!! (maybe k0rang akan ckp anem ni *k0lot* c0z hmpir separuh blog anem ni psl UPSR.. anem xkisah apa yg k0rg nk ckp.. yg penting anem dpt cpai apa yga anem nk.. 5A+++++!! exam lpAs RAYA omg!! ntah knapa aura raya xdtg agy kt anem.. slalunya time2 gini dh *CRAZY WINDOW-SHOPPING*..

m0m says i have t0 choose just 4 school.. smuanya sk0lah AGAMA.. ^.^


-sma nurul ittifaq, besut

-smka tok jiring, kuala terengganu

-sma sheikh malek, kuala terengganu (ye kot eja cm tu)

-imtiaz?? mmm.. i'm w0rried!!

-ittifaq?? dlm pemikiran..

-tok jiring?? anem ok je.. but, my dad says he n0t believe me if I live in hostel.. oh dad.. c0me on

your daughter is already better than stronger.. futhermore, the school is to close with grandma house.. it just about 10minute if I take a taxi... if i felt scary I can run to grandma house! (erk?? nmpk org pakai bju putih pun dh lari terkankang-kankang)

-sheikh malek?? i felt so sorry to my dad... c0z the school is far away fr0m my house.. it's taken 2 hours to drive there.. if i stay at hostel.. like I say, my dad d0n't expect.. beside, the school is in the town...

en0ugh~ i don't want t0 think about it more... the important things is sc0re 5A first.. k, dear.. thanks c0z reading my entry.. maybe my english is not good.. but I will try t0 make it best!!

p/s: wish my luck in exam!

My Story Is Base On The True One

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